Hyland OnBase NSU Training Day 1: Scan, Store, and Retrieve


Day 1 training session combines lecture/presentation with hands-on experience using sample documents in guided instructional exercises.




Trainers will be trained on the basic concepts of capturing & retrieving documents in OnBase using the Unity Client. The session combines lecture/presentation with hands-on experience using sample documents in guided instructional exercises.

Who should attend?

  • OnBase Administrator
  • Customer Project Lead
  • Customer Internal Trainer
  • Subject Matter Experts involved in the solution development

Topics to be covered during remote training

  • Access
    • Unity Client Log In
    • Navigation
    • Toolbars
    • Personal Page
    • Doc Retrieval
  • Using Documents
    • Working with Images
    • View/Modify Keywords
    • Highlights, Annotations, and Notes
    • Cross-References ( This has not been set but we can show the working )
    • Re-Indexing Documents
    • Deleting and Re-Ordering Pages
    • Saving Documents Outside of OnBase
    • Delete Document
  • Capture/Scan
    • Indexing and Processing
    • Ad-hoc Upload
    • Sweeping / Batch Scanning
    • Batch Processing


Hyland OnBase Training Day 1: Scan, Store, and Retrieve Training

Click on the image below and use your NSU credentials to view Day 1 training.


For More Information




Article ID: 53
Fri 1/14/22 1:05 PM
Mon 1/24/22 11:16 AM