Submitting a Ticket in the Client Portal


This article will help you navigate the Client Portal to submit a ticket or service request.



There are a number of ways to submit a ticket in the Client Portal. When you request services through our Service Catalog, your request is automatically routed to the relevant team so we can get right to work.


From a Service Catalog Page

  1. Navigate to the Client Portal at
  2. In the top right corner, click Sign In
  3. You will be redirected to a log-in page. Use your NSU credentials to log into the Client Portal
  4. At the top of the page, click Services
  5. Navigate to a service you are interested in requesting, and click on the service name to open its service page
  6. Click the "Tab" to the right of the page labeled Request Service or similar
    • If the service is not requestable, there will not be a "Tab" listed
  7. Fill out the form, providing as much detail as possible
    • Note that required fields have an asterisk (*) next to them
  8. At the bottom of the form, click Request

Upon submitting your request, you will have the option to view your existing request or submit another one.

Watch the video here on how to submit a ticket in the Client Portal


Do you still have questions? Request more information



Article ID: 9
Tue 6/8/21 12:12 PM
Fri 8/20/21 9:39 AM

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