Colleague Custom Computed Column


Why would I need this service?

This service is to create and/or update a compute column within Colleague. This request is handled by Enterprise Applications Technical team. The duration of this service varies depending on the nature of the request.


Who can request this service?

  • Faculty
  • Staff


What happens after I submit the request?

You will receive an email confirming that you entered the request. OIT will follow up with you once your request has been received. If you have any other questions or concerns, please go to the Client Portal and sign in to check the status of your ticket(s) or contact Client Services at 757-823-8678 or via email with a phone number we can reach you concerning this ticket request.

Request Service


Service ID: 13
Tue 4/20/21 4:52 PM
Wed 6/22/22 9:11 AM